How Titles are Acquired

From Lippincott's Magazine. "It was just after the close Of the Florida war and General Jackson was in Washington on official business of some kind. It was a beautiful morning…

Ruction on Train

Last Friday afternoon, there was considerable excitement on the train which left here at 2 o’clock for Milwaukee. Conductor White in collecting fares approached a man somewhat under the influence…

Hobos Should Unionize

The hobos should form a union for mutual protection against that class of "gay cats" who are continually spoiling a good thing. In days past, any gook with a hunger…

June 9, 1861 – The First Charleston Prize

Confederate privateer Savannah
The Confederate States privateer Savannah, letter of marque No. 1, captured off Charleston, by the U. S. brig Perry, Lieut. Parrott.”

We learn on direct and reliable authority that a valuable prize has been secured by the Privateer Savannah, which left this port a few days ago between the bars of the Lincoln blockade.

This prize was the brig Joseph, of Portland, (Me.) from Havana, for Philadelphia, with a cargo of sugar, valued at $30,000, and was taken into Georgetown, South Carolina, in masterly style.