May 31, 1861 – Virginia Invaded

By the accounts in another part of our paper, it will be seen that the Lincoln troops have crossed the Potomac river and invaded the State of Virginia. No one can longer misapprehend the intention of the Black Republican government. No one, not even tho most inveterate “Union man,” can longer doubt that the 180,000 troops called out by Lincoln are intended to invade, overrun, and, if possible subjugate the South. Last winter the Union men of this State pledged themselves in their public meetings and at the ballot-box, to resist “coercion,” to resist the employment of military force against the seceded Slates. “The defence of Washington” is a subterfuge. Maryland is already subjugated – Black Republican troops are stationed all over her territory – her farmers and people are being plundered and annoyed, and the introduction of such troops into East Tennessee would bo followed by the same result. Maryland is overrun – Federal mercenaries have been sent into Missouri, and signalized their presence there by firing upon an unarmed crowd, killing several women and children. Virginia is now invaded, and blood spilt upon its soil. Has the “overt act” been committed? or must we wait until the flames begin to ascend and the shrieks of fleeing women and children are heard wailing on the midnight air?

The Athens Post, Athens, TN


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