Prohibition is Declared Farce

Bishop Gailor Says Youth of Country Not Immoral Because of Peppy Life and Jazz.

KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. May 28—National prohibition was declared a farce by Bishop Thomas F. Gailor, head of the Protestant Episcopal Church In America, in a statement here today. “The reign of terror that we have experienced in the past six months is not prohibition and is not enforcement of the eighteenth amendment, further there Is too much politics to this prohibition,” declared the Bishop.

Bishop Gailor refused to become alarmed at modern flapperism, “the young girl of today is as good as she was thirty years ago,” he said. “There is no reason to believe that we are in a period of immorality because youth Is full of pep and life and jazz. I am not going Into hysterics because of this skipping about of young women.’

Pensacola Journal, Pensacola, FL, May 29, 1922


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