May 25, 1861 – Effects of the Blockade

The Niagara, which gave notice of the blockade of Charleston, has not been all the while at that port. In her absence, several vessels have come in, landed with merchandize, etc. The “old government” will have to do better than this, or raise the blockade. We are satisfied that Great Britain and other commercial countries will not permit a “paper blockade” of our ports.

Should the blockade be effectual, what is to be the effect? All trade, except such as may evade the vigilance of the blockading squadron, will be cut off. Our imports will cease, as will also our exports. The question then arises, can we live within ourselves? We think there is no doubt on this point. True, we may be denied some of the luxuries of the past, and be forced to stand on our own resources. Of this we ought not to complain. We have long preached independence – let us now practice it, and that, too, cheerfully. Let us rather be thankful that the Yankees are forcing us to do that which we ought long ago to have manfully battled for and accomplished — our commercial, as well as political, INDEPENDENCE! We produce the only great staple of the earth. Water power is abundant, and capital is at hand to put in operation manufactories of aII kinds. Labor is plentiful, and the genius of our people has not yet failed us.

The struggle that has been forced upon us is worthy of any sacrifice, and all classes are cheerfully sacrificing upon the altar of their beloved country. Such a people, fighting for such a cause, can never be conquered, and will readily make any sacrifice for a righteous success!

Keowee Courier, Pickens Court House, SC


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