The Native Question – Boundary Issues

KIHIKIHI, 20th May.

The southern boundary of the territory mentioned in Rewi’s proposals as from Taupo to Pukehau is undefined, as many of the places laid down in proposals are unknown to Government and Europeans — in fact the whole of the boundaries are only tentatively given. In the northern portion of the reserve the King is reported to have some interest. The boundaries of this block will have to be surveyed.

It will be noticed that by the action of the Government the original proposal at Hikurangi to make Tawhiao a kind of independent princelet in this territory is now abandoned.

The consent of Apiha, Weteri, Tainui, Heremia, and others to Rewi’s proposals enables the Mokau River and its coalfields to , be connected with the Waitara line of railway at once. As the natives are anxious for the working of the Mokau coal it will enable the owners to run a line of rails up to the Mokau River district some distance, and the probability of the objecting landowners preventing the continuation thence to Awamutu or elsewhere will be considerably lessened. Apiha and Wetere are firmly determined to open Mokau.

The Native Minister, Mr. Lewis, and others went to the Cambridge Land Court to-day with a number of natives.

Evening Post, Wellington, NZ, May 21, 1879


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