May 17, 1861 – Reward for a Traitorous Beast

Van Amburg, the lion-tamer, was traveling through Talbot County, Maryland, last week, with his horses and menagerie, when he was warned by a friend to turn back, as the rebels had formed plans to seize his horses, of which he had one hundred and twenty, shoot his wild animals and destroy his property. Van Amburg hastened to Pennsylvania, where he encamped with his property. He now advertises that he will give $3,000 to any one who will take Jeff. Davis alive, pledging himself, if he gets him in his keeping, to furnish him with a brand new cage, and take him through the country on exhibition as a traitor, whose turpitude is second only to that of Judas Iscariot.

Cincinnati Daily Press, Cincinnati, OH

Van Amburgh

Isaac Van Amburgh was an animal trainer who had one of the largest traveling menageries in mid 19th century America. He performed extensively across the United States and Europe. He was criticized for his cruelty and brutal mistreatment of his animals.


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