Outwitted the Orientals

An Experience With the Customs Officials at Kermanshah.

In eastern lands the collecting of customs dues is attended with perhaps more than ordinary fraud. In his book, “‘From Batum to Baghdad,” Mr. W. B. Harris has told his experience with the customs officers of Kermanshah. The incident had Its comical feature as well as its serious lesson:

Two hours later than I had Intended we made a start and, proceeding through the long tunnel-like bazaars, emerged from the town. Here fate had annoyance in store for me. At the local custom house the guards wanted to search as and make us pay duty on our scanty baggage.

Battle of the Amazons

Tragic Feats of a Heroine—A Female Pitched Battle—Sanguinary Results of Jealousy.

The Nashville Union of Saturday last tells the following extraordinary story:

One of the most sanguinary deeds growing out of jealousy, and one of the highest exhibitions of female courage we have seen any account of for many a day, occurred a few days since near the Last Tennessee line in the edge of North Carolina, bordering on Blount county. The account which we abbreviate from the several reports seems miraculous. The parties represented are creditable and respectable.

It appears that the wife of James Davenport became jealous of a young girl named Kate Jackson, represented as being quite handsome and lovable. Quarrels and contentions were fierce and frequent between the two ladies.