Appeals to Kruger

THE WAR—APPEALS TO KRUGER—RESISTANCE HOPELESS—MRS BOTHA VISITS HIM LONDON, Wednesday Night. Mrs Botha, the wife of General Louis Botha, is about to pay a visit to Europe. Her object in…

Drinking at Funerals

This was a general practice in the olden time. The practice is mentioned so far back as 1635, in an account of the funeral of the Rev. Thomas Cobbet of…

May 9, 1861 – Beauregard, Davis, and Ruffin

We have from Mr. Whitaker, photographs, very recently taken, of General Beauregard, President Davis and Edward Ruffin, Esq, of Virginia, the eminent agriculturalist and secessionist.

General Beauregard has not a single Anglo-Saxon feature in his face. The whole tone of his countenance and attitude would lead any one to expect him to speak in some of the languages of continental Europe. It is a French face, but of the style of Cavaignac or Lamoriciere. It is of the solid type of Frenchmen.