May 7, 1861 – Lincoln’s Mercenaries

We learn through a gentleman of this city just returned from a tour in the West, that he witnessed some of the recruiting service now being conducted by the Administration in that region. From his account, we should think that Falstaff’s ragged regiment were a princely looking set compared with Old Abe’s soldiers,—the most vagabond looking devils that ever responded to a call that promised booty. And these are the wretches, freemen of Virginia, that are paid by Lincoln to invade your soil and cut the throats of the noble sons whom you have sent to defend it. It further incentive were wanting, would not this be sufficient to induce any sacrifice to crush the wretch who thus invites the rapacious rabble, mere soldiers of fortune, to invade our territory and despoil us of our property? Shall we not hear from the seaboard to the mountains and echoing all through our valleys, those inspiring words of our fathers —”Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute.”— Lynchburg Virginian

Staunton Spectator, Staunton, VA


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