Wire Trolley — The Progress on the Haiku Sugar Plantation

HAMAKUAPOKO, Maui, May 4. — Haiku Sugar Co. are putting in a wire trolley to transport their cane from the upper fields to the mill, and expect to have the same in working order within a month. This has been found necessary owing to the scarcity of water, coming just when most needed, and will leave them a greater supply for irrigation on the maufka fields.

The big new pump to be placed in Maliko is at Paia depot, and McCandless Bros, will get at the wells just as soon ns the foundations are laid. This pump will raise the water over 400 feet, and will run quite a distance above all the camps.

The Haiku Sugar Co. are now making plans to place under cultivation the lands on the Haiku side of Maliko, thus greatly enlarging the capacity and output of the plantation, Just what means they will use for crossing Maliko gulch has not been definitely determined as yet, though wire cable is talked of. Maui people interested hope it may eventually mean a bridge.

The Hawaiian Star, Honolulu, HI, May 6, 1899


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