May 3, 1861 – Local Matters at Richmond

Artillery Camp.—We made a visit yesterday to the Artillery Camp, on the College Grounds, near this city, and found everything in excellent order and the troops in a fine state of discipline. Col. Magruder is now in charge, and this fact is sufficient to ensure the organization of one of the best regiments of artillery that ever took the field. In Capt. Randolph’s Howitzer Battery, and Capts. Cabell and Latham’s Field Batteries, we have the material for service, and there is no lack of competent officers for instruction.

The Grayson Dare Devils.— This fine looking company, under command of Capt. T. N. Hale, arrived here by the Danville train at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon. They number eighty-five; but their ranks will be filled in the course of a day or two, the remainder being now on their way. They will doubtless be mustered into service to-day, when they will receive their arms.

Military Appointments— The Convention, previous to its adjournment on the 1st inst., confirmed the following appointments: Ro. E. Lee as Major General ; Walter Gwynn as Brig. General ; J. B. Magruder as Colonel; Ph. St. Geo. Cocke, Col. of Volunteers, and C. Bell Gibson, Surgeon General.

The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, VA

The Grayson Dare Devils

The Grayson Dare Devils became part of the 4th Virginia Infantry Regiment (Company F) when that unit was formed in July 1861. The 4th Virginia served as part of the First Brigade of Virginia (the “Stonewall Brigade”) and fought across northern Virginia, including both battles at Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg, and around Richmond from the Battle of the Wilderness through Appomattox.


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