Chas. Emmet, the great author, scout and actor, will appear at the Academy of Music for one week, commencing next Sunday, in his great Western drama, Dashing Charlie, or Life on the Border. Mr. Emmet is without a doubt the greatest dramatic actor, picturing life in the far West, that there is on the American stage to-day. Lovers of Western drama should not fail to see this great star. His support, including the great Indian Chief, Sha-wa-ne-kah, has received the unbounded praise of the press every where and the Academy should be packed to the doors at every performance next week. The prices on Sunday evening will remain the same as during the week, 15, 25, 35 and 50 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats.
People’s Theater
The great dramatic actors, the Leonzo Bros., and their great acting dogs appear in a repertoire of sensational dramas at this popular house next week. This is their second engagement here this season and comment on our part is hardly necessary. They appear in a change of bill nightly, opening in the Brother’s Revenge, the first time ever in this city. The famous dogs carried by this company have no equal in this or any other country, and are without a doubt the most intelligent dogs in the world to-day. Lovers of sensation should not fail to attend that popular family resort, either in the evening or at the family matinees daily, except Monday. The People’s is now the only strictly family theater where prices are only 10, 20 and 30 cents. A 20 cent seat at any matinee 10 cents.
The Cleveland Gazette, Cleveland, OH, May 8, 1886