April 28, 1861 – Rutherford County

We learn that the feeling in Rutherford is unanimous for resistance to the war which is being waged against Tennessee and the South. Several companies are forming and will be ready in a few days to meet any foe the administration may send against us or any part of the South. A cavalry company, composed of men who never faltered or flickered, has been formed and partially organized by the election of James F. Neill as Captain, and their services tendered to the Governor. We know Captain Neill to be one of the most gallant of gentlemen and qualified in all respects to lead his men to battle and to victory, and in this behalf all his men are “captains.” The Company is to be called the “Harris Hussars,” and every step it shall make in the contest will be traced in bright letters in the history of the pending struggle.

Daily Nashville Patriot, Nashville, TN

Neil’s Company

Lieut. Colonel James F. Neill and men from Rutherford County were organized as part of the 23rd Tennessee Infantry Regiment at Camp Trousdale in July of 1861. The regiment served across eastern Tennessee and northern Virginia, fighting in several battles including Shiloh, Chickamauga, Petersburg, and the defense of Richmond, until its surrender with Lee’s forces at Appomattox. Colonel Neill was wounded at the battle of Shiloh and later assigned to staff duty upon his recovery.


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