Herrmann, the greatest of all prestidigitateurs, will be the attraction to morrow evening. He has for several years been giving an exhibition of necromancy that is as fascinating as it is baffling. He announces this season a most wonderful exhibition, including a number of startling illusions and sensations. One of these is his latest and greatest effort called “Yako-yo,” the great Chinese immigration mystery. Sale of seats now open.
Friday and Saturday evenings Charles H. Hoyt’s “A Trip to Chinatown” will be presented. The first act represents the interior of a mansion on Nob Hill; the second act is three rooms in the Cafe Riche, and the third and last act shows the Cliff house with all the gayety and giddiness which often surrounds it The cast presenting the piece here will be very strong one, and all the scenery used In the piece will be from Hoyt’s Madison Square theater. Sale of seats now open.
A special matinee will be given on Saturday afternoon.
Morning Journal and Courier, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1893