Our Warning

We have constantly warned our secession friends, that if they arrayed Maryland against the General Government, the war with all its fearful consequences would be transferred from the South to our homes; our warning they have treated with contempt, and by their insane resistance of the troops in their passage through Balt. they have brought upon us the dreaded evil. Maryland is doomed to be the great slaughter house of this unnatural civil rear, and unwittingly, for we will not believe that they designed or even conjectured it would be so, have the secessionists brought upon us this terrible calamity. Let us see how many of these in Allegany will volunteer their services to take part in the deadly conflict, how many?—They rejoiced that the blow was struck in Baltimore how many of them will rush to her rescue? We shall see.

Civilian & Telegraph, Cumberland, MD, April 25, 1861


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