Disaster to an Ocean Steamer

Halifax, N. S., April 20 —Early this morning guns were heard and rockets were seen going up at the mouth of the. harbor, indicating that a steamer was ashore. A signal from the citadel, in answer, showed her to be the steamer Peruvian, from Liverpool. She had gone on the Thorum Cap shoals, and was In a dangerous position. Tugs were sent to her assistance, and her passengers, 700 in number, put in boats, and sent on hoard a schooner, which had previously gone to her assistance. The tags succeeded in getting the steamer off, and she now lies in the stream, leaking badly. It is stated that her compartments are filled with water. Divers have gone down to examine the condition of her bottom. The place where she wont aground is a very bad one, and, in another hour, she would probably have gone to pieces.

Halifax, N. S, April 22.—The steamer Peruvian has been hauled into her dock, and is discharging. Tho pilot, Michael Edwards, who was responsible for the nearly disastrous occurrence of Saturday, made off in his boat, and has not been seen since.

Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL, April 23, 1872


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