A letter has been received at the Merchants’ Exchange, from Capt. Wales, (son of T. B. Wales, Esq.) of barque Wave, at Malaga, from Boston, dated Sept. 5, in which he states that on the 5th of August, about 6 P. M., Cape Cod, bearing E. by S. 30 miles, he discovered a huge sea monster crossing the bow, about a half a mile distant to the northwest. It at first appeared like the surf breaking over a rock or reef, but it soon arose in a perpendicular position, 30 or 40 feet above the surface, remaining for about 10 seconds, and then following horizontally, the body disappeared, leaving a wake in the water, and rising again in the same position at nearly regular intervals for the space of half an hour, when it disappeared entirely.
Its form was that of an eel, the largest part appearing next the water. The head was somewhat smaller than the body, and from the portion exposed, Capt. W. judged the body to have been from 90 to 120 feet long, and the circumference that of a hogshead cask. Both Capt. Wales’ officers, Mr. Lincoln, a passenger, and part of the crew, had a line view of the monster.
The Voice of Freedom, Montpelier, VT, November 2, 1843