A letter has been received at the Merchants’ Exchange, from Capt. Wales, (son of T. B. Wales, Esq.) of barque Wave, at Malaga, from Boston, dated Sept. 5, in which he states that on the 5th of August, about 6 P. M., Cape Cod, bearing E. by S. 30 miles, he discovered a huge sea monster crossing the bow, about a half a mile distant to the northwest. It at first appeared like the surf breaking over a rock or reef, but it soon arose in a perpendicular position, 30 or 40 feet above the surface, remaining for about 10 seconds, and then following horizontally, the body disappeared, leaving a wake in the water, and rising again in the same position at nearly regular intervals for the space of half an hour, when it disappeared entirely.
Seen In Lake Champlain by a Number of Different Persons A monster animal-flsh was seen in Lake Champlain opposite to Charles L. Parrish's on Wednesday, November 28, by Lewis Wilkinson,…
During the total solar eclipse, the Sun’s corona, only visible during the total eclipse, is shown as a crown of white flares from the surface. The red spots called Bailey’s beads occurs where the moon grazes by the Sun and the rugged lunar limb topography allows beads of sunlight to shine through in some areas as photographed from NASA Armstrong’s Gulfstream III. Photo Credit: (NASA/Carla Thomas)
There will be an eclipse of the Sun on Saturday, the 25th inst., the greatest visible in the United States for nearly eight years, or since September 18th 1838. The eclipse will begin at Portsmouth (Market Square) at 18 minutes past 11 A. M.—Portsmouth moan time. The greatest obscuration will be at 36 min. past 12, and end at 50 min. past 1, P. M. Duration 2 hours 32 min.—Digits eclipsed 6 1/2 on the Sun’s southern limb.
The moon’s penumbral shadow will first strike the earth in the South Pacific Ocean, between the Marquesas and Galapagos Islands, at 19 minutes past 9, A. M. At this place the Sun will be just rising, with its upper limb apparently in contact with the moon’s lower limb. The eclipse will first be central and annular at 20 min. past 10 A. M. north of the Marquesas, near the equator. The central line will pass in a north easterly direction through the Pacific, and at 34 min. past 10, the eclipse will begin to be total. From the Pacific the central line will cross Guatimala, the Carribbean Sea, the island of Cuba, and into the Atlantic. At 13 min. past 12, the eclipse will be central and total on the Meridian, near the Bahamas.
Nothing could be more fiendish, says the Richmond Whig, than the wiles by which the Administration sought to cover up their purpose, of war, and lull the South into inaction,…