To Dig Into Man’s Past

Yale University Expedition to Peru Will Try to Find Bones of the Ancients

The ruins of Machu Picchu

New Haven, Conn.—The next expedition to Peru, which will be made this year under the direction of Prof. Hiram Bingham of Yale, will not be geographical as in the case of the last expedition, It was announced at Yale, recently, but will concentrate its work largely in that region where the human bones were found under a glacial deposit which indicated a minimum age of 2,000 years.

At the Park

The Noble Dramatic company opened the first night of their week’s engagement at the Park opera house last night to a good house. Considering that there were several other entertainments…

What Will Michigan Do?

Civil war is at our doors. Michigan is called upon for a regiment of Infantry or Rifles -  will she comply? If so, she must contemplate certain obstacles, and made…