Off to Pensacola

The Lafayette Guards, Capt William Delay, will be off for Pensacola at 5 o’clock, to-morrow morning, with full ranks of men. Their route will be by way of Holly Springs, Grand Junction and Corinth, thence down the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. The Quitman Rifles, from Waterford, and the Jeff. Davis Rifles and Home Guards, from Holly Springs, will take the same train to-morrow morning. Fifteen hundred troops have been called for from this State more than double the number have tendered their services. The companies are composed of our best citizens men who are ready to sacrifice everything they hold dear, to battle for their “altars and their fires, for the green graves of their sires, God and their native land.” The prayers of the loved ones at home, their bosom friends, and all who remain, will constantly ascend to the Throne of Grace, for their safety, and that victory might perch upon their standards. We shall have frequent letter from the pen of our senior editor, at Pensacola, and will keep our readers advised of their movement.

The Oxford Intelligencer, Oxford, MS, March 27, 1861


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