April 5, 1861 – Regulations of the Southern Confederacy for Vessels Navigating the Mississippi

As many rumors are afloat in reference to boats navigating the Mississippi, we publish the following extract in relation to the action of the Confederate States in reference to listing imports from the North. All boats beyond the limits of the now Confederacy, going South, are required to land at the port of Norfolk, Miss., a point just below the Tennessee line, when the Captain must furnish the Custom House officer with a list of his cargo. A permit is given to land freight at way points:

All steamers and other vessels navigating the river Mississippi, destined for ports or places within the Territory of the Confederate States of America, from any port or place beyond the Northern limits thereof, shall come to at the port of Norfolk, otherwise known as Nelm’s landing, in the State of Mississippi, and the master or person in command of every such vessel shall make due report of the arrival of the said vessel by exhibiting to the Revenue officer at said port duplicate manifests of the whole cargo, declaring the name of the vessel, name of master, where from, the port of destination, and a full and particular description of said cargo. And shall obtain from the Revenue officer a certificate endorsed on one of the said manifests, of the fact of its exhibition, and shall leave with the said officer, a duplicate of the same.

The Athens Post, Athens, TN


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