March 31, 1861 – The Feeling in the South

We have been kindly permitted to make the following extracts from a private letter written by a prominent citizen of this city, which gives a fair and truthful view of the present feeling in the South. It is dated 27th inst:

“There was never a grosser misrepresentation than that which claims that there is strong dissatisfaction and a strong Union party in any of the seceded States.

“I saw Dr. — this morning, who has just returned from Montgomery. He says the Administration there think there will be war. They could not be induced to return to their connection with the defunct Union. I have been more encouraged about the Southern cause in Tennessee, since I left home, than for a long time before.”

If a few prominent and strong men would move strongly and warmly, Tennessee would soon occupy her natural position in the Southern cause. I meet many persons who have just now reached the conclusion that there is no prospect for a reconstruction of the Union, and the idea of a permanent political severance from their true political and commercial friends and allies, as well as their relations in the South, shocks them, as well it may.”

I would say that our friends have no reason to be discouraged by the election in February, as some of them seem to be.

Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN


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