Want Soap Factory

“Over four carloads of soap have been shipped into this city since January 1, while enough soap making material has been sent out of the city in that time to make twice the amount received,” said a prominent business man this afternoon in conversation with a Courier reporter. With this in view, the merchants are beginning to ask “Why is not this soap being manufactured here?”

“Ottumwa would undoubtedly be a great field for such an industry with its excellent railroad connections, while the number of industries in the city which add greatly to the sale of soap would insure a good local market,” continued the merchant.

Big Profit in Soap

The profit in soap within the past few years has been much greater than in former years, nearly three times greater, it is stated. The manufacture of this product is also known to be comparatively profitable, as there is little waste, while the material is easily obtainable. The packing plant and the hide stores send a large quantity of tallow and other soap making materials to the foreign plants each year, while if there was a plant in this city all or nearly all of this product could be utilized.

A Good Jobbing Center

Ottumwa’s position as a jobbing center is undeniably an excellent one. Roads run to every point of the compass, while the many mines in the adjacent towns would make a ready market for a large part of the soap manufactured by a concern in this city. Many people think that some action should be taken toward securing such an institution in the city.

The Ottumwa Semi-Weekly Courier, Ottumwa, IA, March 24, 1903


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