Rival Stage Lines

Painting of a stagecoach

It is stated that several very responsible gentlemen of Albemarle have formed a copartnership for the purpose of establishing lines of stages to run from the Central Rail road to the White Sulphur Springs. Arrangements are in progress for this purpose. A rival line is also to be placed on the Valley Turnpike, from Staunton to Winchester. We have no knowledge of any complaint against the present line beyond Charlottesville. Indeed, the only journey we ever made by it, we were very comfortably transported across the mountains, and for a long distance were very agreeably entertained by an Irish driver, who gave proof that although the sympathy or the anger of an Irishman will sometimes get beyond his control, he can govern the temper of horses in a masterly manner. Competition is the great protector of the public, and however good the present lines may be, it is probable the accommodations for travelers will be all the better for the rivalry. It is very likely that there will be enough for a lively business for the competitors in the increased travel introduced into the valley by the Central Road and other facilities given to the public.

The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, VA, March 23, 1852


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