The Richmond Enquirer of the 13th says ; “About the first of the present month, Sheridan, with between six and ten thousand men, started on a raid up the Valley, visited Staunton unopposed, and crossed the Blue Ridge at Rockfish Gap, opposed by Early and some fifteen hundred men. The opposition was fruitless, however, our forces being almost surrounded by overwhelming numbers, and over a thousand captured. The enemy then entered Charlottesville unopposed.”
We have advices from Newbern up to the 12th inst. After crossing the Neuse River during the night of the 10th, the Confederates are said to have burned the bridge behind them. It was also rumored that they had destroyed, at the same time, the ram which was guarding the river at that point. Timber for rebuilding the bridge was in the act of being forwarded from Newborn on the 12th.
A dispatch from Fortress Monroe, dated on Tuesday last, states that scouts who reached Wilmington on the morning of the 11th inst. reported the arrival of Sherman at Fayetteville, North Carolina, and that his army was quietly resting in the vicinity of the town, preparatory to another movement northward.
An official dispatch received at the U. S. Navy Department yesterday, from Fortress Monroe says: “Kinston is in our possession,” but gives no further particulars, the news having been brought to Fortress Monroe by a vessel from Newbern.
Information from the Army of the Potomac says that General Sheridan, after inflicting much damage, is on his way to the White House.
Sherman, it is said, has opened communication with Wilmington from Fayetteville.
The Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria, VA, March 16, 1865