March 15, 1861 – The Noble Sentiment

The noble sentiment—so exultingly, enthusiastically, and unanimously adopted previous to the election of the Virginia Convention—of holding on to the fortunes of Virginia, whatever they might be—submitting to the decision of the representatives of the people and the will of the people—being true and loyal sons of Virginia—never forsaking her soil or her destinies, and all that is now, we are sorry to see, just as exultingly repudiated in certain quarters. Exaggerated statements are made of the determination of citizens “indignantly to quit the State,” if it does not secede, and are now often published, with commendation of the spirit which induces such a resolution, &c. We note these things with regret. There would, it is true, be very few who would leave Virginia for such a cause—especially during the present crisis, when under any and all circumstances, in or out of the Union, Virginia would be the best State to live in on the continent of America—but the change of tone cannot but be contrasted with previous declarations.

Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria, VA


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