Darkness Enveloped Bisbee Last Night

Failure of Steam Plant of Bisbee Improvement Company Cause of Trouble

For nearly an hour last night, beginning at 8:15 o’clock and continuing until 9:10, Bisbee did its business by candle light. Thick gloom prevaded the whole city and but one bright spot, the Phelps Dodge Mercantile company, gleamed from the darkness,

The cause of the premature darkness was due to the fact that some foreign substance got into the water in the feed pipes of the boilers that generate the power to run the dynamos of the light company. This caused the water in the boilers to foam and no steam could be generated. The company soon had all Its available force of men working to repair the damage, but it was not until 8:30 that a faint flicker In the lights was seen. The flicker was but a brief one and five minutes later damp darkness again held sway. It was fifteen minutes later when the lights came on again, this time to stay.

The business district of Bisbee resembled the old pioneer days during the trouble at the plant. The saloons had long rows of candles strung along the bars and the lunch stands had improvised lights of various designs. Blsbeeites scurried about their houses and, from cellars and garrets, old lamps and candles were secured.

Bisbee took the enforced gloom cheerfully and there was no trouble reported anywhere, with the exception of some rowdyism at the theaters. These were crowded, it being the first night they have been open in two weeks, and as soon as the lights went out a number of boys and young men in the audiences began singing and yelling, causing many of the women patrons to leave. The orchestras, however, played their loudest and soon had the crowds in a good humor.

The light company reports that everything has now been repaired.

The Bisbee Daily Review, Bisbee, AZ, March 15, 1913


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