March 1, 1861 – A Tennessee Editor on Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States

The Nashville Democrat of the 16th inst. has a slashing article on President Jefferson Davis and the new Confederacy, from which we extract as follows:

This same blusterer, in a speech few years ago, ventured to slander the Tennessee volunteers. We know what we say; when we assert that, with all his bluster, Tennessee could, if so disposed, subdue the whole Cottonocracy in a short time. He calculates now on the soldiers of Tennessee to aid him in his wicked and fiendish purpose of breaking up this glorious government.

He is as proud and as vain as Beelzebub. He thinks that he holds the “kingdoms of the world, and the powers thereof,” in the hollow of his band. He is looking for the English Government to bow to him. He says the English Government will acknowledge the Cottonocracy.

This is an nonsense. The English government, as well as all others, knows how to treat the flag of the United States, and so will Jeff. Davis. Let him attempt to subdue the Federal Government; let him fire at Fort Sumter, or at any other fort of the United States, where our flag now floats, and he is as sure to be hung as that the sun will rise to morrow morning, unless he runs, like a coward, beyond the reach of Tennessee. We know hundreds of men in his seceding Cottonocracy who are ready to tie the rope for the hangman.

Jeff. Davis bas been producing discontent and teaching treason as long as we can stand it. He has been a vile conspirator against his government for years.

There is no use in soothing our people any longer. Traitors must suffer, unless they stop their treason. We may be asked to be patient. How, in the name of high heaven can a man be patient when a traitorous flag is flaunted in our face? When a traitor comes to our very border, and talks treason to our country openly?

He talks of sacking cities. Vile rebel! Inflated bigot! Let him try the Tennesseeans, whom be so basely slandered. Let him try Nashville. Our readers must indulge us a little. We can not forbear to denounce treason ; and whenever we cease to do so, “may our right band forget her cunning.”

We have borne with treason as loner as it is possible to do so. Talk of tearing down our fair fabric or government! Never! Never! Jeff Davis is on the road to the gallows, and his followers had better be careful. An indignant public will not forever endure insult and treason-plotting. We have lived prosperously and happily for three-quarters of a century, and we know that Tennessee never will give up this free and happy country.

Let this vile traitor and his foul minions come. Tennessee never has forsaken the glorious flag of free and happy America, and by the Eternal, she never will! She has always conquered the enemies of the country, and will again, if required to do so. This is our country, and all the powers of earth can not force us to give it up.

Rise, fellow-countrymen! our country yet remains!
By that dread name we wave the sword on high,
And swear for her to live, with her to die!

Cincinnati Daily Press, Cincinnati, OH


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