February 27, 1861 – Twiggs’ Treachery!

Major General Twiggs has turned traitor in his old age, sunk his fair fame in infamy, and brought his gray hairs to dishonor. This last observation is figurative, for Gen. Twiggs’s hair is not gray, for which it is indebted to a celebrated hair-dye which bears his name. This is not intended as an imputation on the Gen. Twiggs hair-coloring compound; for, as the preachers say, we know not how soon we may have to dye.

Gen. Twiggs did not even wait for Texas to go through the thieving motions of Secession. Her Senators and Representatives still hold their seats in Congress. He did not wait even for her to begin the preliminary movements of Secession, before he opened negotiations to deliver up the Government property to her. By this treachery a large amount of army stores, provided especially for the defense of Texas from the Indians, and of arms sent there by Floyd to be stolen, have been transferred to thieves and outlaws.

Arnold did brave service In the American cause before his treachery. He was a most gallant and daring officer. Twiggs had earned a fine reputation. His services were less brilliant than those of Arnold, while his treachery is vastly greater. His name henceforth will be a by word and reproach among honorable men. Let the Twiggs hair dye be relieved from this patronymic, lest people say it is false.

Cincinnati Daily Press, Cincinnati, OH

Major General Twiggs

David Twiggs was a career army officer, serving during the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, and Mexican–American War. As commander of the U.S. Army’s Department of Texas when the American Civil War broke out, he surrendered his entire command to Confederate commissioners, with facilities, armaments, and other supplies valued at $1.6 million. Dismissed from the U.S. Army as a traitor, he was commissioned as a general of the Confederate States Army in 1861. In poor health, he died in 1862.


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