February 23, 1861 – The Inauguration Ceremonies at Montgomery, Alabama

The inauguration of Messrs. Davis and Stephens, the President and Vice President of the Southern Confederacy, at Montgomery, Ala , was witnessed by about 5,000 persons, amidst the firing of cannon, display of flags, strains of music from several bands and other demonstrations of enthusiasm. They were escorted to the capitol by an imposing procession, military and civic. At the capitol the military were drawn up in line, and Mr. Davis proceeded to the porch when the oath was to be administered.

On the right of President Davis sat Vice President Stephens, and on his right was the Hon. Howell Cobb. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Basil Manly. Mr. Cobb formally announced that President Davis had arrived and was now ready to take the oath of office as President of the Confederated States of America. President Davis then came forward and delivered the inaugural address.

At the close of President Davis’ speech, he said he was ready to take the oath of the office, which was accordingly administered to him by Mr Cobb.

Evening Star, Washington, DC


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