February 19, 1861 – Lincoln’s Speech in Cleveland

The reception at Cleveland, where Mr. Lincoln arrived on Friday afternoon, was an imposing affair, the military, firemen and tradesmen turning out in procession. The enthusiasm of the populace of that Republican town was at its highest pitch. J. N. Masters, acting Mayor, welcomed the President, and Judge Andrews did the same on behalf of the citizens’ committee.

Mr. Lincoln spoke as follows:

Mr. Chairman and fellow-citizens of Cleveland: We have been marching about two miles through snow, rain and deep mud. The large numbers that have turned out under these circumstances testily that you are in earnest about something or other. But do I think so meanly of you as to suppose that earnestness is about me personally? I should be doing you injustice to suppose that you did. You have assembled to testify your respect to the Union, the Constitution and the laws. And here let me say that it is with you, the people, to advance the great cause of the Union and the Constitution, and not with any one man. It rests with you alone.

This fact is strongly impressed on my mind at present. In a community like this, whose appearance testifies to their intelligence, I am convinced that the cause of liberty and the Union can never be in danger. Frequent allusion is made to the excitement at present existing in national politics. It is as well that I should also allude to it here. I think there is no occasion for any excitement. The crisis, as it is called, is altogether an artificial crisis. In all parts of the nation there are differences of opinion on politics. There are differences of opinion even here. You did not all vote for the person who now addresses you. And how is it with those who are not here? Have they not all their rights, as they ever have had?— Do they not have the fugitive slaves returned now as ever? Have they not the same constitution that they have lived under for the last seventy-odd years ? Have they not a position as citizens of this common country, and have we any power to change that position?— {Cries of “No!”} What, then, is the matter with them? Why all this excitement ? Why all these complaints ? As I said before, this crisis is all artificial. It has no foundation in fact. It was “‘argued up,” as the Saying is, and cannot be argued down. Let it alone, and it will go down of itself. {Laughter}

Mr. Lincoln said they must he content with but few words from him. He was very much fatigued, and had spoken so frequently that he was already hoarse. He thanked them for the cordial, the magnificent reception they had given him, and not less did he thank them for the votes they had given him last fall, and quite as much he thanked them for the efficient aid they had given the cause which he represented—a cause which he would say was a good one. He had one more word to say. He was given to understand that this reception was tendered, not only by his own party supporters, but by men of all parties. This is as it should be.

If Judge Douglas had been elected and had been here on his way to Washington, as I am to night, the Republicans would have joined in welcoming him just as his friends have joined with mine to-night. If all do not join now to save the good old ship of the Union this voyage, nobody will have a chance to pilot her on another cruise. He concluded by thanking all present for the devotion they had shown for the cause of the Union.

At the close of the speech Mr. Lincoln was presented with several splendid bouquets and floral wreaths, and in the evening he held a levee, which was attended by thousands. On Saturday morning he started for Buffalo.

Richmond Enquirer, Richmond, VA


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