Curious Egyptian Relics

In the catalogue of rare books in possession of and for sale by John Camden Hotten, of London, we notice some Egyptian relics of rare value. There is a manuscript In the Demotic character, the earliest known form or alphabet used since the creation, on a piece of fine linen, like that mentioned in Exodus; a large manuscript on a pure piece of fine linen, used by the ancient Egyptians 1,500 years before the birth of Christ, covered with hundreds of hieroglyphics of cows, sacred birds, implements and objects used to communicate intelligence before alphabetic writing was discovered. There are many other manuscripts, if such they can be called, of a similar character. On one of them is a curious drawing of a coach on wheels, showing that these luxuries were not first used in Queen Elizabeth’s time. On another are delineated twenty-seven columns of most curious hieroglyphics of wings, birds, implements, &c , with the minute figure of an extinct animal in one corner, surmounted by figures weaving and others worshiping the lotus.

Cincinnati Daily Press, Cincinnati, OH, February 4, 1861


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