Pawnee Arrives at Washington

The sloop-of-war Pawnee steamed up the river yesterday evening, and now lies in the neighborhood of the arsenal. The following list comprises the names of her officers:— Commander, S. C. Rowan; Lieutenants, Sam’l Marcy, R. B. Lowry and J. C. Chaplin; Lieutenant Marines, E. McD. Reynolds; Assistant Surgeon, Francis M. Gunnell: Purser, Charles W. Abbott; Master, F. B. Blake; Captain’s Clerk, Wm. H. C. Bayly: Purser’s Clerk, Wm. Robertson; Surgeon’s Steward, I.G- Bell; Engineers: —Chief, Geo. Gideon: 1st Assistant, James M. Adams; 2nd Assts., Philip Inch and John Johnson; 3d Assts., David Hardie and Joseph Tulley; Passed Midshipmen, A. V. Reid, G. B. White, H. L. Howieson and H M. Blue, Boatswain, James M. Miller; Gunner, Wm. Burniece. The Pawnee is one of the largest class sloops.

Evening Star, Washington, DC, March 1, 1861


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