February 8, 1861 – Iniquity upon Iniquity

The Black Republicans are heaping iniquity upon iniquity, and it seems the cup of their crimes is not yet full. The new Morrill tariff bill, the pet of the Yankee Manufacturers, has passed the House of Representatives, and is now before the Senate. It is one of the most iniquitous political measures of which the mind of man can conceive. To exhibit its workings in one particular alone, we will merely mention that coarse woolen blankets, used solely by the poor and laboring classes, and which have heretofore been subjected to a duty of only 15 per cent, and even that was too high, are by the provisions of this bill, subjected to a duty of 95 per cent. These blankets, which a poor man can now buy for one dollar, will hereafter cost him one dollar and eighty cents, or thereabouts. Such is one of the practical results of Black Republican rule. These incarnate fiends, carrying out their policy of a prohibitory tariff, will grind the poor man to the dust, in order to fill the pockets of a few Yankee manufacturers. Millions must hand over the fruits of their hard toil, to augment the wealth and gratify the pride of a few thousands. Not content with endeavoring to strike down slavery and all the prosperity of the South, not satisfied with the consummation of their hellish mission in bringing to the verge of destruction the Union itself, these Black Republican wretches now seek to further impoverish the South, and vampyre-like, draw the very life-blood of its laboring classes, by imposing onerous duties on articles which are essential to their comfort and existence.

Western Sentinel, Winston (Winston-Salem), NC


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