February 5, 1861 – Commissioners to Washington

The Massachusetts legislature will resolve to send commissioners to Washington. The senate passed resolutions to this effect yesterday, by a vote of 25 to 6; and, to-day, the house will do the same thing by a strong majority. All those who voted last night to suspend the rules will vote for the resolves with many of those who voted against suspending the rules. We are glad the legislature has decided to take this course. It can do no harm and may do good. If the holding of such a hurried convention at all had depended on the action of our legislature, the case would be different. But the conference will take place at any rate, and all the New England states, with most of the other free states, had decided to send commissioners. Therefore, it seems to us fit that Massachusetts should be represented there. The commissioners will have no power to bind the state to anything, nor to do much more than hold consultations; moreover, they are likely to be men in whom the people of Massachusetts will have entire confidence.

Worcester Daily Spy, Worcester, MA


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