Masquerade to Raise the Coin

old faded photograph of A baseball game being played at Douglas Park, where the Rock Island Islanders played.

Rock Island Ball Club Directors Decide on That Sort of Function

Rock Island baseball directors at a special meeting yesterday afternoon decided on two big masquerade balls to be held the evening of Feb. 21 at Turner and Armory halls for the purpose of, raising funds for securing money for the baseball club. The admission that will be charged for those who attend will be put into the sinking fund of the club, along with the money being raised by popular subscription. Tickets will be distributed at various places throughout the city early next week, and the sale will be pushed. The scheme is a good one, and besides bringing in funds to the baseball treasury, will give those who desire to furnish baseball for Rock Island something in addition to baseball for their money.

Lister to Manage?

A well founded rumor is abroad that Pete Lister, former Islander first sacker, now signed with one of the teams in an eastern league, is to be the manager of the team for the season 1912. Last fall Pete was looked upon as one of the most likely candidates for the position, and since the club decided that it would be necessary to have a playing manager in order to cut down expenses to the lowest possible minimum, Pete has been under consideration.

Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, February 3, 1912

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