Mayor’s Court

The Charleston Daily News, Charleston, SC, January 28, 1867

A sailor who was drunk and interferring with tho police, and gratuitously informing him that on a rainy night his star shouldn’t be out, but that he ought to put it under his coat, was fined $10.

Isaac Gardiner, a man of color, who was drunk and riotous, and, when expostulated with, hit the policeman on his ‘“sneezer,” but in return got a tap on his “knowledge box,” was also fined $10.

Two men who were drunk and lying on the side walk in the wet, and thereby preventing the rain from flowing from the pavement to the drains in the street, were fined $5 each, for obstructing a water course.

A colored man, for smoking on the east of East Bay street, was fined $2.


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