January 20, 1861 – Wm. H. Seward

Wm. H. Seward is now about sixty-two years of age. He is a man of clear and comprehensive intellect; a learned and able lawyer; an erudite scholar, and thoroughly versed in all the arts of political chicanery and management. In private life, his conduct is, so far as we know, irreproachable; in connection with the schemes and movements of party politics, he has ever been looked upon as selfish and contriving; subtle in design, unscrupulous in action; prepared to do and to dare all things necessary to the gratification of his criminal and lawless ambition.

Eloped with the Driver

Pittsburg Dispatch, Pittsburg, PA, January 20, 1889 A Handsome Heiress Runs Away With the Married Driver of a Stage [Special Telegram to the Dispatch] Le Raysville, January 19. — Herbert…