The Cecil Whig, Elkton, MD, January 18, 1873
Enginneer Hood and party reached Elkton last Thursday, in completing the survey and estimate of the line of the proposed railroad between Elkton and Oxford, 18 miles. The estimates are, for grading and masonry, $59,168.23; Engineering, office and incidental expenses, $10,000. Total, $69,168.23. This is the estimate for putting the road in order to receive the cross-ties and rails.
A meeting was held at the office of Hon. Hiram McCullough, and the books opened for subscriptions for stock.
This road, if built, and we hope it will be successfully pushed forward, will be a continuation in this direction of the Peach Bottom Railway, which is now under contract.
Chief Engineer J. M. Hood, in a report of the Peach Bottom Railway, submitted to the stockholders on the 13th instant, makes the following statement: —
“A survey under this Company’s auspices has been made for a three feet road from Oxford to Elkton, Md., (18 miles) which will, if constructed, constitute an eastward extension of the Peach Bottom Road, to a connection with the Philadelphia Wilmington & Baltimore and the proposed Elkton and Massey’s junction roads at Elkton. — This line has on it some very extensive manufactories, and will probably be built this year as the estimates show it to be in the easy reach of those who now regard it as a necessity. The grades are unusually favorable, and will be descending the entire distance with tho business, so that handling the empty cars will be about the heaviest work in operating. The Lancaster & Quarryville Road, to extend from Lancaster via Quarryville to King’s Bridge on the Peach Bottom, will also be a valuable connection, and is now in progress of construction with a fair prospect of an early completion. It also is to be a three feet gauge. A reconnoissance west of York with a view to extending the Peach Bottom Road in that direction, has been made with favorable results — two very easy routes having been traced as far as the Cumberland Valley.
Owing to the peculiar condition of the Susquehannna river at Peach Bottom, it is believed that a much cheaper form of bridge than those in common use can he improvised, and with this in view a thorough examination will soon be made.
From present indications it is reasonable to expect, that the eastern, western, and a portion of the middle divisions of the Peach Bottom Railway will be opened for business before the close of the current year.”
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