January 18, 1861 – A French View of Secession

From the Paris Constitutional

Mr. Buchanan has sought out the means of preserving the Union from the catastrophe which threatens it; he has drawn up a plan of reconciliation between the Northern and Southern States. It cannot, however, be said that this project is a compromise, inviting the two adverse parties to mutual concessions and equal sacrifices; it is rather a summons addressed to one to yield to the exigencies of the other; it is more like a decision come to with partiality than an equitable arbitration. To the North, which has gained Its cause before the people, the President signifies that it must abandon the benefit of the decision for the profit of the South, which has been the losing party. Under pretext of conciliation, the Message calls on the conqueror to place himself under the feet of the conquered. Such is the ground-work of Mr. Buchanan’s propositions.

Elkton and Oxford Railroad

The Cecil Whig, Elkton, MD, January 18, 1873

Enginneer Hood and party reached Elkton last Thursday, in completing the survey and estimate of the line of the proposed railroad between Elkton and Oxford, 18 miles. The estimates are, for grading and masonry, $59,168.23; Engineering, office and incidental expenses, $10,000. Total, $69,168.23. This is the estimate for putting the road in order to receive the cross-ties and rails.

A meeting was held at the office of Hon. Hiram McCullough, and the books opened for subscriptions for stock.

This road, if built, and we hope it will be successfully pushed forward, will be a continuation in this direction of the Peach Bottom Railway, which is now under contract.