January 16, 1861 – Unionist Sentiment

The nominal Editor of the disunion organ in this City says that the Standard has cast “foul imputations” on Messrs. Avery, Erwin, and Person. Now, this nominal Editor utters a ” foul” falsehood when he makes this charge against us.

The same paper threatens that if the Legislature does not at once call a Convention, the people will call it themselves by an act of revolution. Let the Hinglishman attempt to lead in such a movement, and he will soon find his neck in a halter. The people of North-Carolina are a Constitution-loving and law-abiding people, and they are not to be revolutionized by an individual who took an oath to support the Constitution of the United States only in April last, and who now proposes to violate that oath. God save the people of the State if such men are to speak and act for them!

Weekly Standard, Raleigh, NC


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