January 15, 1861 – From South Carolina

January 14.—It is believed by many here that Major Anderson shot two mutineers at Fort Sumter last week, and rumors are current that several others are in irons. It is further stated that one escaped to Charleston, and was returned by the authorities to Major Anderson. On inquiry it is ascertained that all these rumors are false.

A resolution has been unanimously passed by the Legislature, declaring that any attempt by the Federal Government to reinforce Fort Sumter will be considered an act of open hostility, and as a declaration of war. Also approving the act and promptness of the military in firing on the Star of the West, and promising support to the Governor in necessary measures of defence.

A resolution was also offered, but afterward withdrawn, inquiring of the Governor why the work on the causeway between fort Moultrie and the mainland was stopped.

A resolution was passed, to fire fifteen rounds for each seceding state.

There are signs of peace, but it is believed that President Buchanan’s policy will be drivelling, and, therefore, there may be a chance for war.

New military companies are coming in from all parts of the State.

The Governor, in a message sent to the House of Representatives, details plans for guarding the coast. He proposes the purchase of three steam propellers, and recommends small iron screw propellers of light draught, each to be provided with thirty-two seamen. That one of the steamers be stationed in Charleston harbor, one at Beaufort, and one at Georgetown. He also recommends that all inlets and mouths of rivers he fortified with redoubts and ordinance, and that boats keep up a constant communication between the several points, as a protection against sudden invasion by lawless bands.

Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria, VA


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