January 14, 1861 – Seizure of the Armament of the Revenue Cutter Lewis Cass

The United States revenue cutter Lewis Cass is at Algiers, undergoing repairs. When she laid up for this purpose, her armament was stored in the Bellville Foundry, which has not been used as a foundry for some time past. On Saturday night Capt. Rees’ independent company of Algiers Riflemen went and took possession of the cutter’s armament, in the name of the State of Louisiana. The haul is a valuable one, consisting as it does of one long twenty-four pounder, six eight-pounders, and a large quantity of cannon-balls, powder, and other military stores. The cutter itself will probably be seized next. This seizure, though not authorized by the Governor, will no doubt be sanctioned by him.

New Orleans Daily Crescent, New Orleans, LA

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