Husband Earns Three Square Meals a Day

Los Angeles Herald, Los Angeles, CA, January 4, 1910

Creditors of I. A. Wilson, who believed he was the owner of the little grocery store in West Ninth street, were set right by his wife, Mrs. Mamie Wilson, in Judge James’s department of the superior court yesterday. Mrs. Wilson stated she alone controls the business from the standpoint of owner and that her husband is tolerated because he is nice looking and is useful to have around.

Sometime ago the Mechanics board of Los Angeles obtained judgment against Wilson in a suit for the payment of a note for $990. Wilson’s failure to satisfy this judgment brought him into court yesterday to be examined as to his property holdings. Mrs. Wilson came with him.

In response to questions Wilson said he owned nothing; in response to the same questions, Mrs. Wilson said she owned everything her husband was suspected of owning.

“Why do you keep your husband around the store?” she was asked.

“It is useful to have a man around a place like that: he is good looking and he earns three square meals a day.”


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