January 11, 1861 – The other side of the Question—Shall the North Secede from the South?

“The South Carolina Ordinance setting forth the list of grievances on account of which that State secedes, enumerates them thus:—1st. The Tariff Laws, which are stated to operate injuriously to the South. 2d. The rule that the majority of people in the Union shall govern. 3d. The resistance to the extension of Slavery into the Territories.”

If these are good and justifiable reasons for the Southern States seceding from the Union, says the Chicago Journal, then surely the Northern States have had better reasons to secede, long ago, for their grievances are ten fold greater. How would it do to “take the wind out of the sails” of the Southern soreheads, by a publication of Northern grievances, and a blustering threat that unless speedy redress is promised and given, the Free States will secede from the Slave States?

The North must have her “constitutional rights in the Union,” or she will “smash the machine!” Our grievances are serious in character and many in number.

1st. The slave states have always had control of the Federal Government, and refuse to give the Free States “equal rights” in this respect.

2d. The free states have asked for an adequate Tariff for the protection of her manufacturing interests, but the South has refused to give it.

3d. The Free States have asked Congressional appropriations for the improvement of our Lake and River harbors and Navigation, but the South has refused to give them.

4th. The Free States have asked for a Homestead law, giving poor white men free homes on the vast unoccupied lands of the West, but the South has refused to give it.

5th. The Free States asked that the Missouri Compromise might be left as our fathers framed it for the protection of free territories from slavery, but the South refused to do it.

6th. The Free States have asked that the Territory of Kansas, being ready for statehood, should he admitted into the Union as a State, but the South refuses to do it, because Kansas dees not come with slavery engrafted upon her Constitution.

7th. The Free States have asked that the Fugitive Slave law be so amended as not to require their citizens to become slave catchers and blood hounds, but the South has refused to do it.

8th. The Free States have asked for a Pacific Rail Road, but the South has refused to give it, unless it be made a tributary and bulwark of slavery.

9th. The Free States ask that those of their citizens who travel or sojourn on business or pleasure in the Southern States, may be protected in their persons, property and lives, as they are in all ether parts of the world, but the South refuses to do it.

These are only some of the many grievances the North has against the South.— We might extend the catalogue indefinitely. We might mention that “inequality” of the Congressional representation, the slaves of the South being represented, while the “property” of the North, where white citizens only are allowed to vote, is not represented—and other similar inequalities and unjust discriminations favorable to the South. But the list is long enough already, —so let’s secede !

Sound the war cry—call conventions— sputter like frantic madmen against the South and the Union — pass ordinances of secession — send commissioners to Washington—fling defiance in the teeth of the whole world and “the rest of mankind”— get up a new big flag with a hissing snake on it—reject all offers of compromise or efforts at conciliation organize “Minute Men” military companies—seize the Federal property—but be sure you first get on the right side of old Buchanan and make him agree not to interfere with your general arrangements, till after the 4th of March!

Our grievances are beyond endurance! We must have, will have, shall have “our rights” our “rights,” and nothing but our “rights,” or we ll secede and let the South go to ’tarnal smash!

Watertown Republican, Watertown, WI

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