January 4, 1861 – Irritated Carolinians

The reason given by the South Carolina Commissioners why Fort Sumter should be evacuated by the federal troops is, that the United States flag, which now waves over that fortress, is a source of annoyance end irritation to the Carolinians! Bless their souls! Can’t Mrs Winslow send them a few bottles of soothing syrup?

The Willimantic Journal, Willimantic, CT

Background: Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup

Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup was a patent medicine widely marketed in the 19th century. Containing a high dose of morphine sulfate (65 mg per fluid ounce), it effectively quieted both children and adults. Though the high dose of morphine was suspected in the deaths of infants, it was not withdrawn from the market until 1930.

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