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Fascism in the U. S.

The question is more and more being asked, why not investigate Fascist activities in the United States? There are good reasons why the congressional committee investigating un-American activities here should take…

Green Denounces Fascist Activity in Trade Unions

A. F. of L. Head Calls on Workers to Actively Fight Fascism as Menace to Democracy and Organized Labor.

Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—Fascist activity in local unions of the dressmaking industry in New York city was scored by President William Green, of the American Federation of Labor, in vigorously denouncing Fascist propaganda in the trade union movement.

“The American Federation of Labor,” Mr. Green said, “regards Fascism and the Fascist philosophy as equally menacing and dangerous to the maintenance of democracy and democratic institutions as communism. Both Fascism and communism rest upon the basis of dictatorship. For this reason the American Federation of Labor is concerned over the activities of Fascist representatives in New York and elsewhere.

February 16, 1862 – The Rebel Commissioners In England

Proposed Sale of the South, Slavery and All

Among the most interesting items of news from Europe by the Asia is the report of the Independance Belje “that the Southern Commissioners have informed tho English governmentthat, in return for the recognition of the Southern confederacy, they would establish most absolute free trade for fifty years, abolish the external slave traffic, and emancipate all the blacks born after the recognition.”

We are strongly inclined to believe that Mason and Slidell were charged with that extensive discretion which would cover these propositions, and that Jeff. Davis and his confederates have placed all their hopes upon British intervention. All their other calculations failing, the conspirators who contrived this rebellion believed that Southern cotton and free trade would infallibly bring England to their rescue. The influence of these temptations upon the British government—which had been presented in every shape and form by industrious Southern emissaries—was betrayed in the indecent haste with which Lords Palmerston and Russell seized upon the Trent affair as a cause for war. But that cloud having blown over, and King Cotton and free trade having failed to silence the abolition objections of the English people to a war with the United States in support of a pro-slavery confederacy, we can readily believe that Davis and Company, as a last resort to save themselves from the penalties of unsuccessful treason, are prepared to sell our revolted States, slavery and all, for English intervention.

February 15, 1862 – Bowling Green is Ours

Just as the Star goes to press to day, the General-in-Chief has received a dispatch from Gen. Buell, announcing that his advance, under Gen. Mitchell, reached the river opposite Bowling Green yesterday by a forced march.

The enemy fearing the passage of his force across the river by the remaining bridge there, burned that immediately, or sufficient of it to render it impassable.

General Mitchell at once set about constructing another, under the protection of his guns.

February 14, 1862 – Raid Down the Tennessee River

The Enemy’s Raid Down The Tennessee River—The Situation Of Affairs Near Fort Henry

Memphis, Tenn. February 11.—There has been a heavy loss in steamboats on the Tennessee river, owing to the raid of the enemy’s gun-boats Lexington and Conestoga. The Sam Orr, Containing 170 pounds of powder and two submarine batteries, was set on fire at 8 o’clock on Friday evening, two miles above the Tennessee river bridge. On Friday and Saturday, the Appleton, Belle, and Lynn Boyd, were burned by the Confederates at the mouth of Duck River. The Sam Kirkman, the Julius and the Time (the last named containing $100000 worth of Government stores) were abandoned and burned on Saturday. The Dunbar was sunk in Cypress Creek. The Eastport was also sunk. The Cerro Gordo and the Sallie Ward were the only boats captured by theenemy; and the Robb is the only one that escaped uninjured. The Federal gun-boats have left the Tennessee River, but are expected to return soon. They took with them 20,000 pounds of Confederate salt pork, which they found at Florence; but refused to touch private property, or even the cotton which they found. Passenger trains have resumed their trips on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.

Fascist Absolutism in Italy

The progress of Fascismo toward a veritable religion was illustrated some months ago when Mussolini wrote in the preface of the published resolutions of the Grand Council of Facismo that this is “the book of our faith;” the “infallible compass of their every activity.” Facismo, he declares, “has buried forever” the old liberal democratic regime and erected the glorious edifice of Facismo in its stead.

The fasces of the lictor, the party symbol of the Fascisti, has been placed on the national flag beside the royal arms, as it has for months stood over government buildings. So sacred is Facismo that an Italian who speaks disrespectfully of it even in a foreign country is liable to severe punishment if he falls into the clutches of the supporters of Mussolini. Some weeks ago an Italian who had spoken against Fascism in America was, on returning to Italy, sentenced to twelve years and a half imprisonment, with three years special police supervision afterwards.

The Fascist Aristocracy

The autocracy of Mussolini moves along unimpeded on the enthusiastic support of the Italian masses. The women, who were given the vote in municipal elections some months ago, find the right amounting to nothing, as the local governments for which they were to vote are now appointed by Mussolini.

The abolition of popular elections has raised the question of providing properly trained administrators for the dictatorship. Fascist intellectuals propose a special training school for a governmental aristocracy, to which youths shall be sent who have been adjudged by the Duce from among candidates-suggested by the officers of the Fascist militia to be of proper character to exercise authority as he may see fit to permit to others besides himself. By this method of “investure from above” it is hoped to make eternal the blessing of a people’s forgetting to govern itself. These future masters of the state are to be instructed in “the analysis of political phenomena, the science of organization, and Roman and Italian history with special attention to the dictatorial periods,” and are to be tried in minor administrative posts.

Craft Stranded in Boston Harbor Due to Heavy Fog

Boston, Feb. 10—Several craft were aground tonight in Boston harbor as the result of trying to find their way through the dense fog which almost without intermission has shrouded the shipping channels today.

The British steamer City of Boston, carrying a cargo from the Orient and bound for New York, edged out of dock this morning. After being held in the upper harbor until this afternoon, she attempted to run out when the vapor bank lifted momentarily. The fog suddenly descended again and the ship grounded on the mud of the lower middle. It was believed that she would be re-floated at high tide tonight.